Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Balancing work and life- is it possible?

Every year when I go back to work, I get depressed.  It lasts for the first couple of weeks of school and resurfaces after long holidays.  You think I would learn that #1 this was going to happen and I could better prepare myself by taking loads of Vitamin D and... #2 there's going to be another vacation- time's not going to stop in the middle of a long work stretch.  I try to be positive and think about all the good I'm doing in the lives of children, but honestly, I would rather be in bed or playing at the park with my babies.  Today my wonderful friend Meagan sent me a link to an article about working moms and depression rates.  Apparently its all about being realistic.  Who cares if my laundry is always backed up because I work, I have never been a perfectionist so I need to quit pretending in my head that I have all together.  So, we have dishes in our sink, but I also have an incredibly supportive husband, a beautiful, healthy family and am making an impact on a daily basis.  After reading this, I vow to try to be more realistic and relaxed about EVERYTHING!

Enjoy the article, Thanks Meagan!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Life as an ordinary woman...

I love reading other people's blogs.  The ideas they talk about are really inspiring!  However, as a mommy and a woman, they also often make me feel like sh**.  I mean the pictures they post are of a family who is always having fun and exciting adventures (and getting along), houses that are perfectly put together, clean and creatively decorated, and a life that is well, not at all messy.  I realize that the beauty of a blog is that you can post whatever you want, but these blogs make me feel completely discouraged.  As a working woman, wife, and mother of two, our life is crazy!  When I was in my late teens, early twenties, I would picture my life as I thought it would be when I was a "grown-up".  For some reason, in the image I have in my head I was always in an airport.  I also was taller than I am, very shapely in all the right places and have darker, long, wavy hair (go figure!).  I was wearing a dress- one of those that would gather at the waist with a belt, and I always have on heels and am quite comfortable.  For some reason, I am foreign and can speak several languages.  I have beautiful, well-behaved, curly haired children, and when people looked at me they would think, wow that woman has it all together!

Now at 31, I have come to realize I have to let go of this strange image in my head and embrace my life as it really is- an awesome mix of the ordinary and extraordinary, and extremely messy.  I also cannot be the only woman in this world who struggles with what they thought their life would turn out as and how it has turned out.  It is not that I am unhappy as a wife, mother and working-woman, it is just that my life doesn't match up with that woman who has somehow been engraved in my mind.  So, I want this to be a place where women can share their lives as they really are and embrace all of the joys and messiness of life...